5 ebay-auctions that makes me drool

2x Season 8, issue 1, both covers signed by Georges Jeanty and graded 9.8 by CGC(9.9 is the highest grade). For you who don't know, CGC is a well known company that grades comics. Since I want to own something pretty and Buffy related that probably will increase in value, I want these. The auction has ended but since no one bought them they will probably be up soon again. Not that I'm able to waste money on something that I will probably only think of and look at once a month.

Episode dailies/outtakes for 2 episodes, divided on 6 discs. Both eps include Buffy/Spike sex scenes so I suspect there will be a lot of yummy takes on these DVDs(if not, they should use that picture in the auction).
As much as I want this material, buying it feels wrong because a)It's illegal and these people shouldn't earn money on it, Joss and the other Buffy-people should. B) I might be able to find everything online for free, googling. Still, these dailies would be awesome to see and it might be something I can't find anywhere else. But as for now, I'll just cruise youtube and forums for clips. While feeling guilty of course.

A shirt SMG wears in the episode Buffy vs Dracula(plus another shirt worn by her in an unknown episode). Good that it's already sold. Otherwise I would have been very tempted.
And now *drool* Spike's amulet. No FOX COA is mentioned in the description, but hopefully the seller has one. Otherwise I wouldn't buy it, even if I was rich, since then it might very well be a fake. Look here for a guide on how to recognize real props.
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