Thursday, December 25, 2008

MY THOUGHTS Spuffy vs Bangel - a semi-serious and - sometimes insulting - comparison.

I've never been much into the Spuffy vs Bangel discussions. Partly because those discussions can get pretty passionate and because I don't really care who she's with and mainly because I just don't know how to define either relationship.

I could post a article with thousands of words trying to describe and discuss both relationships and compare different aspects against each other, but since I don't have a clear feeling for Buffy's own thoughts on the matter, why bother? Instead I'll do a few pro and cons lists of both Angel & Spike, Bangel & Spuffy, because I'm bored and because I want to make you think about these three individuals a bit. And perhaps laugh a little.

Btw, we're talking souled Spike, because otherwise the comparison isn't fare.

* * * * *

SPIKE (as an individual)

Spike's hot.
He smokes.
I bet, since he has been together with a crazy impulsive chick for over a hundred years, he has had to learn a lot of naughty stuff to keep his princess pleased.

He's a whore. Just look at his male-prostitute-outfit!


You always know what to get him for Christmas. Just another pair of denime trousers or a black t-shirt.

His wardrobe is boring. Variation is fun.
When he gets emotional, his eyes become so soft lovely. See HERE

He's a wee bit needy. And nagging. Really bad at accepting a NO. (Although, his immature pout is divine.)

ANGEL (as an individual)

He's like a big teddybear sometimes. So hugable with his awkwardness and big broad shoulders.


He's too cute. How can you stay mad with that big doofus? You can't yell at him when he gives you the puppy eyes.

He's romantic. He reads poetry by fireplaces for crying out loud! See HERE

He's romantic. He's sweet and probably a complete gentleman. Would he ever want to do something that required a safetyword? (Unless he's emotionally unstable and "bad" and keeps firing people, which takes away from the fun)


He dresses really well. Even Cordelia, ms-knows-what-to-wear, compliments his taste.

He probably uses more hair product than the average runaway model, which will make you feel like a cave-person. And look at his wardrobe. And his manicured nails! Who do you think will have to pay the high VISA-bill? When the guy isn't loaded with blood money because of W&H, he has a hard time asking his customers to pay. Sounds like doubles-shifts for Buffy at the Doublemeat Palace to me.


He's selfless. He's all about the mission for redemption ('cept when he's killing demon-slaves).

Martyr much? He gave up humanity in Season 1 of Angel, to be able to fight. Does that mean that his mission is everything? Maybe not always a con, but I'm tired feeling sorry for the guy's loneliness.


They can talk to each other, about sensistive subjects, like Heaven and stuff.


It's mostly Spike that listens and Buffy that talks. Could be because they had very different views on humanity (you know, Buffy wanted to save humans and Spike wanted to eat them. Not much to discuss or share there.)
Once Spike got his soul, they both connected to each other on a new unabusive level.
Buffy's not over Angel. She wasn't over him on the show and that big lump will proably always haunt them both. First love and all.
Spike's not perfect. You can see it in his clothes, in his past, in his attitude towards people. And because of that Buffy won't have to be her best around Spike, because he has seen her worst and he was fine with it. She can be imperfect around a imperfect person.
Spike's kind of a bitch. Soul or no soul, he steps on a lot of toes.
Spike got a soul for Buffy.

Even tough the rape attempt happened when he didn't have a soul, that will always haunt the both of them.

First love. He will always be important to Buffy. There's a big Angel shaped hole in her heart that only he can fill.
First love. Buffy was young and he was her first boyfriend and lover. So there will be some bias feelings, based on naive points of views, for both of them. After all, at the time, Buffy didn't have much to compare with and Buffy was the one who helped Angel on his path.
Even years after their last (on-screen)kiss, in Chosen they "found" each other. It's like they were suppose to be with each other. And as seen in Forever, with them sitting in the graveyard, Angel comforting Buffy after her mother's death, it's not only desire that lasted after their break up.

Years apart and it doesn't look that they will get back together soon. Should't they have by now?

Angel was with Buffy when she tried to figure the slayer stuff out, when she had a hard time dealing with her normal life and slayer duties, which shows that he's supportive. And how she accepted him back in Season 3, after months apart and much heartbreak, shows devotion from Buffy.

Angelus. They might have struggeled to get back together in Season 3, but will they ever get passed those months? And, the curse. That needs to go bye bye before anything serious can happen. Not even casual dating is safe.


Angel was unselfish enough to "do the right thing"(or what he thought was the right thing). To leave Buffy so that she could have her own life, without depending on him.
Him leaving will always be a sore memory for her.

* * * * *

So, with these facts (okay, opinions, assumptions if you will) in mind, which guy do I think Buffy should be with?

No idea. Love works in mysterious unrational ways, and no matter which guy I like (Spike) the most, who knows which Buffy would love the most, if they were all given equal fair dating-and-getting-to-know-each-other opportunities.

Right now tough, if Buffy had to choose, she would probably pick Angel. Seems that way to me anyway, after all I've seen through the seasons.

Notice how she was turned more towards Angel in this panel from Season 8? The artist drew the three of them like that from Joss directions (source: Buffy the sketch book, vol 1).


  1. Did he throw them that way because of a personal preference, though, or just to capture the dynamic of the triangle (in which Spike is the underdog)? He's also stated he likes Spike better than Angel, after all.

  2. *draw (or, more specifically, direct Jeanty to draw)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yeah, I'm just guessing that Joss wanted it that way because he thought/knew that Buffy prefered Angel. It's not like Joss and Buffy has to have the same favorite ;)

    And you know, it could simply be the question of position in a sandwhich. *wink, leer*

  5. Truthfully, though, could a Bangel relationship work anymore? They've been apart for years, and barely kept in touch (it takes four episodes of S6 before Angel finds out that Buffy is alive. And seeing as he called her, she wasn't the one to tell him). Right now, Buffy and Angel are in totally different places, and she's not the innocent little girl he once knew and put on a pedestal. Spuffy was working well near the end, though it might not have lasted... I'm personally an obsessive Spuffy fan, but even if Buffy wouldn't end up with Spike, my money's on her and Angel NOT working out, no matter how hard they try. Teenage angst-filled reciprocated crushes can't carry you through your adult life...

  6. While I wouldn't call what Buffy and Angel had a crush, I agree that in a everyday situation, their love might not last. I actually think Spike & Buffy had had a better shot at that(of course, the almost rape might still be a big enough issue to keep them apart).

    I found out after writing this post that Joss confirmed at a convention(I got no good source for this) that Buffy really did mean that she loved Spike in Chosen. Not sure what kind of love, but that statement really made me wish they had gotten a chance to date.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Joss said in the Chosen commentary that his direction to James Marsters and Sarah Michelle Gellar was mean you love him when you say you do and you mean it when you say she doesn't (not a direct quote but its along those lines).
